

Oily Water Separator Onboard M.V. SEAFDEC

An oily water separator is a piece of equipment specific to the shipping or marine industry. It is used to separate oil and water mixtures into their separate components. They are found on board...

Comparison Sampling Equipment for Microplastics between Neuston Net and Manta Net

Microplastic Introduction  Water is one of the renewable resources crucial for the existence of all beings on earth and is also an essential part of the global ecological system. Problems on the quality of water...

Distress Alerts of SART and EPIRB

What is distress alerts? A distress signal, or distress call, is an internationally recognized means for obtaining help. Distress signals are communicated by transmitting radio signals, displaying a visually observable item or illumination, or making...

Oil Spills Detection by Satellite

Oil Pollution Oil is among the most used energy sources in the worlds. It is transported by ships across the oceans and by pipelines across the lands. Major oil pollution inputs to the Marine Environment...

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