

SEAFDEC/TD participated and presented in The Japanese Society of Fisheries Science (JSFS) Spring Meeting 2024 at TUMSAT, Tokyo

Three SEAFDEC Training Department (SEAFDEC/TD) staff namely, Dr. Koki Abe, the senior expert, Ms. Saruttaya Jaroonpongsawat, and Mr. Santiphong Putsa, a fishing gear technologist participated in the Japanese Society of Fisheries Science (JSFS) Spring...

Project End of Eliminate IUU Fishing in Southeast Asia Workshop

SEAFDEC Training Department (SEAFDEC/TD) organized the “Workshop on the Project End of Strengthening Regional Cooperation and Enhancing National Capacities to Eliminate IUU Fishing in Southeast Asia” from 20 to 21 March 2024, in Pattaya,...

Inception Workshop on EAFM Institutionalization at the National Level of Thailand

SEAFDEC Training Department (SEAFDEC/TD) organized “Inception Workshop on the Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management (EAFM) Institutionalization at the National Level of Thailand, including Target Transboundary Fish Stocks” from 20 to 22 March 2024, at...

Training on Socioeconomic Monitoring for Coastal and Small-scale Fisheries Management in Southeast Asia

SEAFDEC Training Department (SEAFDEC/TD) conducted the “Training and Field Practice on Socioeconomic Monitoring (SocMon) for Coastal and Small-scale Fisheries Management in Southeast Asia” from 18 to 28 March 2024 which is the Human Resource...

SEAFDEC/TD welcomes Silpakorn University Students

SEAFDEC Training Department (SEAFDEC/TD) welcomed 40 students and lecturers from the Faculty of Animal Sciences and Agricultural Technology, Silpakorn University Phetchaburi IT campus on 4 March 2024. During the visit, the students were imparted...

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