SEAFDEC Training Department led by Dr. Suttinee Limthammahisorn, Secretary-General and Chief of the Training Department welcomed 36 visitors from the USAID CTI Youth Ambassador Program which participated by youth ambassadors, representatives from CTI-CFF, USAID...
SEAFDEC Training Department (SEAFDEC/TD) organized the “Workshop on the Current Status of NPOA-IUU and Identification Need on Innovation MCS Tools for Combating IUU Fishing Vessels” from 3 to 5 September 2024, at SEAFDEC/TD, Samut...
SEAFDEC Training Department (SEAFDEC/TD) organized the “Regional Training Course on the Evaluation Approaches of Artificial Reefs Installation to Enhance Marine Resources: Case Study of Fish Enhancing Devices (FEDs)” back-to-back with the “Seminar on Resource...
Under implementation of the project “the sustainable management of fisheries, marine living resources, and their habitats in the Bay of Bengal region for the benefit of coastal states and community (BOBLME II project), the...
SEAFDEC Training Department under the project Small-scale Fisheries Management for Better Livelihood and Fisheries Resources organized the “Core Expert Consultation on Preparation to Develop the Technical Manual for Socioeconomic Data Collection of Small-scale Fisheries”...