Improving Fishers’ Livelihood and Fisheries Co-management in Inland and Coastal Small-scale Fisheries
1. Background
Small-scale fisheries are vital for food security, nutrition, and poverty alleviation in Southeast Asia, providing nutritious food and significantly contributing to local and national economies. However, these fisheries are highly dependent on ecosystem health, seasonal in nature, and operate in coastal areas, which increases the vulnerability of coastal communities particularly vulnerable. Small-scale fishing communities, typically located in remote areas, face low incomes and limited access to markets, healthcare services, education, and other essential services. The key issues for supporting and improving the livelihood and well-being of small-scale fishers were discussed at the “Regional Workshop on Effective Practice for Supporting the Livelihood and Well-being of Small-scale Fishers in Southeast Asia” (TD/RP/233), part of the JTF 6-2 SSF project, key issues were discussed, including challenges such as limited market access, financial accessibility, and lack of livelihood diversification, and gender inclusion. The workshop also highlighted limited awareness of fisheries resource management and growing vulnerability of these communities to climate change, and environment impact, underscoring the need for capacity building to support adaptation and resilience efforts in the fishing community.
Addressing these challenges is essential to empower small-scale fisheries, promote sustainable fisheries management, and secure the fisheries livelihood, thereby improving the livelihood of small-scale fishers. Community-based Fisheries Management (CBFM) and Co-management are cost effective approaches that involve local community participation in managing and sustaining fisheries resources, which are the primary source of income for local fishers.
The “ASEAN-SEAFDEC Resolution on Sustainable Fisheries for Food Security for the ASEAN Region towards 2030” emphasizes the importance of adopting fisheries management approaches such as co-management and ecosystem-based management It calls for the active involvement of all relevant stakeholders in the planning and policy formulation process for natural resources management, habitat conservation, rehabilitation, and improving human well-being. Additionally, the FAO SSF Guidelines, as an international instrument dedicated to small-scale fisheries, aim to support and enhance these fisheries to help eradicate human poverty.
SEAFDEC recognizes these important issues and continues to support its Member Countries in implementing the SSF Guidelines and the RES & POA 2030. The project aims to build human capacity in small-scale fisheries to promote sustainable fisheries management through Community-based Fisheries Management and Co-management. Additionally, it seeks to enhance the resilience of small-scale fisheries by diversifying, improving livelihoods, improving financial inclusion within fishing communities, and reducing vulnerability to environmental impacts and climate change.
Moreover, the project emphasizes supply chain development as a key tool for empowering fishing communities and promoting long-term sustainable well-being. Recognizing the vital role of women and men in the fishing sector, our strategies strive to actively involve these groups in supply chain development, fostering greater empowerment and economic opportunity for fishing communities.
2. Goal
To strengthen sustainable fisheries management in small-scale fisheries in SEAFDEC Member Countries by implementing effective fisheries management approaches, enhancing livelihoods, and sustainable utilization of marine fisheries resources for future generation.
3. Objectives/outcomes
- Fisheries officers in participating Member Countries enhance their capacity on the community-based fisheries management and co-management approaches in small-scale fisheries, promoting sustainable livelihoods and utilization of fisheries resources.
- Fisheries officers develop their comprehensive understanding of the supply chain dynamics in small-scale fisheries to improve the fisher’s livelihood
4. Gender sensitivity/responsiveness of the Project
- Incorporating the conduct of gender analysis in the baseline surveys of project sites to understand the gender conditions that require interventions
- Providing equal opportunities to male and female stakeholders in accessing and receiving benefits from fishery resources, information, financial sources, and capacity building
- Promoting equitable participation of male and female stakeholders in the implementation of programs and projects where applicable
- Collecting and compiling sex-disaggregated data throughout the implementation of programs and projects
- Conducting impact analysis of the program and project interventions to male and female stakeholders
- Integrating gender perspectives when disseminating the results from programs and projects
5. Results Chain of the Project
Outcome 1 :
Fisheries officers in participating Member Countries enhance their capacity on the community-based fisheries management and co-management approaches in small-scale fisheries, promoting sustainable livelihoods and utilization of fisheries resources.
Output 1.1:
Development and Implementation of Community-based fisheries management/ Co-management and support livelihood of coastal small-scale fisheries in the pilot sites (TD 2 sites)
Activity 1.1:
Activity 1.1.1: Socioeconomic Monitoring Assessment in the selected pilot sites (2 coastal sites)
- Year 1: Conduct a community analysis using the Socioeconomic Monitoring (SocMon) methodology to collect baseline data at the pilot site. This analysis will help assess the status and condition of the communities, identify their needs and challenges, and establish baseline information for the monitoring process. (Optional: conduct a cost-return analysis of fishing operations to understand the cost structure and identify appropriate ways to reduce main fishing cost, such as through innovation of fishing practices.)
- The collected data will be processed and analyzed to develop the development of fisheries management. The results will guide the implementation of activities such as strengthening fisheries rules and regulations, conserving fisheries resources, and promoting alternative livelihood programs.
- Year 5: Conduct the socioeconomic monitoring assessment to evaluate changes in the community following project implementation, using baseline data for comparison
Activity 1.1.2: Implementation of community-based fisheries management/co-management activities and support the livelihood programs
- Development of fisheries management plan along with community-based fisheries management and co-management approaches. This plan will address issues related to the resilience of coastal and marine ecosystems and the sustainability of local fisheries communities, focusing on fisheries resources, livelihood, and governance. It will also integrate strategies to mitigate the impacts of environmental changes and strengthen the adaptive capacity of local communities. Key stakeholders, fisheries officers, and community members will be involved in the development process to ensure a participatory and resilient approach to sustainable fisheries management.
The implementation of activities under 1.1.2 will follow the Fisheries Management plan from Year 1 to Year 4. Examples of such activities include:
- Capacity building programs: this program will foster a self-reliant attitude among fishers, by providing knowledge and raising awareness on fisheries management through active participation. Activities may include establishing fishers’ groups or fisheries management committees, promoting group cooperation and potential collaboration with other communities, organizations, institutions, and donors.
- Community empowerment: encourage active community participation in managing fisheries resources to ensure effective management and responsible use of fisheries resources. Empowerment will focus on involving local stakeholders in decision-making and resource management.
- Development of a Fisheries Resilience Plan: address environmental and climate change impacts, as well as marine pollution by building community adaptation. This will include promoting income diversification, improving access to financial services, and mitigating pollution’s effects on fishing communities.
Implementation of activities: based on challenges identified in the pilot sites, the following activities will be implemented
- Promoting alternative livelihood programs while improving market accessibility of local fisheries communities
- Formulating the fisheries management measure(s): rehabilitate and enhance fisheries resources through actions such as conservation zones, installing FADs, restocking programs, crab rehabilitation program (crab banks), mangrove reforestation.
- Strengthening access to financial services: build the capacity of fishers to access financial services, including savings, loans, and insurance.
- Enhancing fishing technology: introduce improved fishing technology to reduce labor and mitigate the impact of climate change, such as devices to drag boats ashore.
- Follow-up activities: regularly monitor the progress of these activities at the pilot sites, identify emerging challenges, and explore opportunities to further support the community in achieving sustainable fisheries management.
Activity 1.1.3: Strengthen community cooperation for self-sustainability.
This activity aims to empower the community to independently continue initiatives after the project is terminated.
- Strengthened capacity for cooperation: enhance the communities’ ability to cooperate with other communities, organizations, and institutions to explore business and investment opportunities, including seeking funding support from other donors.
- Build networks and cooperation: foster robust networks and cooperation among stakeholders to ensure ongoing stakeholder engagement and support.
- Provide platforms and facilitation:
- Create and support platforms that facilitate community’s interactions between the community and various organizations.
- Assist in establishing communication channels with agencies to promote collaboration
- Support community groups in promoting their products through exhibitions and other events.
- Facilitate coordination with financial institutions and businesses to ensure access to necessary financial services and opportunities.
Output 1.2:
Development and Implementation of Community-based fisheries management/ Co-management and support livelihood of inland small-scale fisheries in the pilot sites through improving capacity building of the community (IFRDMD 2 sites)
Activity 1.2:
Activity 1.2.1: Conduct studies to assess the needs of communities in selected pilot sites (2 studies for inland fisheries)
First year:
- Conduct a community analysis using the socioeconomic monitoring (SocMon) methodology to collect data at the pilot sites. This will help understand the condition of the communities, identify their needs and problems, and establish baseline information for the monitoring process. (Optional: conduct a cost-return analysis of fishing operations to understand the cost structure and identify ways to reduce main fishing costs, such as through fishing innovation.)
- Conduct surveys to collect the data on the status of inland fisheries, the condition of the communities, and to identify their needs and problems.
- Data analysis and utilization:
- Analyze the collected data to develop a comprehensive fisheries management plan.
Use the results to design appropriate activities such as strengthening fisheries rules and regulations, conserving fisheries resources, and promoting alternative livelihood programs. - Involving key stakeholders, fisheries officers, and community members in the development of the plan and activities to ensure a participatory approach.
- Analyze the collected data to develop a comprehensive fisheries management plan.
Activity 1.2.2: Capacity building on fisheries management tools (CBFM, co-management, EAFM)
- Training and educations: conduct training sessions at the pilot sites to provide community members with knowledge on the fisheries management concepts. This will help them better understand and raise awareness about fisheries resources management through community participation.
- Introduction of EAFM: introduce the effective implementation of the EAFM as a key tool in the pilot sites. This approach will be emphasized to ensure sustainable and holistic fisheries management.
- Formation of management structures: initiate the establishment of fishers’ group or fisheries management committees. These structures will facilitate community-based fisheries management (CBFM) and co-management practices, promoting collective decision-making and responsibility.
Activity 1.2.3: Implementation of community-based fisheries management/co-management activities and support the livelihood programs
Conduct activities at the pilot sites based on the identified community needs. These activities may include:
- Enhancing fisheries resources through various conservation and rehabilitation efforts.
- Providing techniques and training for adding value to fishery products.
- Facilitating access to marketing channels to improve the sale and distribution of fishery products.
- Offering support and guidance on utilizing micro-credit facilities to enhance financial stability and opportunities.
Activity 1.2.4: Monitoring activities in the pilot sites
- Regularly monitor the progress of activities at the pilot sites.
- Identify challenges and seek opportunities to enhance the implementation of activity, such as utilizing SPEECTRA concept, to support the community in achieving sustainable fisheries management.
- Use monitoring data to make informed adjustments and improvements to ongoing and future activities, ensuring they effectively address community needs and contribute to sustainable fisheries management.
Output 1.3:
Enhanced Regional cooperation and knowledge sharing for sustainable small-scale fisheries management. (TD and IFRDMD)
Activity 1.3:
Activity 1.3.1: Inception Workshop to introduce project of small-scale fisheries
- Conduct an inception workshop to introduce the project’s goals objectives, and planned activities outlining the specific actions to be implemented in the designated pilot sites.
Activity 1.3.2: Annual meeting to share and update progress of coastal and inland pilot sites
- Organize annual meetings to review and share updates on the progress of activities at the coastal and inland pilot sites.
- Facilitate discussions among SEAFDEC/TD and SEAFDEC/IFRDMD, and focal points from the pilot sites to ensure alignment and coordinated efforts.
Activity 1.3.3: Participation of SEAFDEC staff in a regional/international meeting on fisheries management and related issues
- SEAFDEC staff will participate in regional and international meetings to promote the project’s activities and enhance their capacity.
- Use these platforms to share project insights and gather valuable knowledge on fisheries management and related topics, ultimately strengthening the project’s impact.
Activity 1.3.4: Regional workshop to share experiences, lessons learned, and recommendations for future sustainable small-scale fisheries management
- Organize a Workshop at the end of the project to share lessons learned from the implementation process. The meeting will facilitate the exchange of experiences and provide recommendations for future sustainable management of small-scale fisheries
Output 1.4:
Guidelines for fisheries management in inland fishers’ livelihoods developed (By IFRDMD)
Activity 1.4:
Activity 1.4.1: Develop guidelines for AMs management to improve inland fishers’ livelihoods
Guideline development:
- Write comprehensive guidelines for the effectively implementing strategies to improve the livelihoods and well-being of small-scale fishers effectively.
Stakeholder meeting:
- Organize a Meeting at the project site involving local government representatives, key stakeholders, fisheries officers, and community members to discuss and refine the guidelines.
Activity 1.4.2: Disseminate guidelines to governments and other relevant agencies in Southeast Asia
Guideline dissemination:
- Distribute the developed guidelines to SEAFDEC member countries and other relevant agencies across Southeast Asia.
Regional workshop:
- Organize a regional workshop to present and discuss the guidelines, ensuring that the information is effectively communicated and adopted by the respective governments and agencies.
Outcome 2 :
Fisheries officers develop their comprehensive understanding of the supply chain dynamics in small-scale fisheries to improve the fisher’s livelihood
Output 2.1:
Improved supply chain in small-scale fisheries, resulting in increased income for fishers, improved product quality, sustainable fishing practices, greater market access, and enhanced community resilience of small-scale fisheries at the pilot sites (3 pilot sites)
Activity 2.1:
Activity 2.1.1: Study on small-scale fisheries supply chain
- Conduct review and a comprehensive study of small-scale fisheries supply chain across all SEAFDEC member countries. Present the findings through country presentations during a consultation, workshop or the inception workshop to share insights and promote dialogue.
- Selection of the pilot site (3 sites both inland and marine) for focused research, prioritizing countries with significant gaps in supply chain information and research support. Emphasize areas with critical needs for data analysis to ensure impactful interventions.
- Carry out in-depth research to understand the supply chain dynamic at the pilot sites. The study will aim to: identify key challenges faced by small-scale fishers in the supply chain, such as logistical barriers, market access, or financial limitation; and seek opportunities for enhancing the supply chain, such as improving fishery product quality, sustainability, and market linkage.
Activity 2.1.2: Development and improvement of small-scale fisheries supply chain
- Implement strategic, evidence-based interventions to strengthen and improve the small-scale fisheries supply chain, drawing directly from the findings from the supply chain analysis such as (1) food safety enhancement aiming to improve practices related to the handling, processing, and storage of fishery products to ensure food safety, standards, reducing post-harvest losses and contamination risks; (2) strengthening the local supply of fishery products to improve food availability in the community, ensuring that fisheries contribute to overall food security; and (3) promote value-added processing for income generation, access to better markets, and training in sustainable fishing practices to increase income for small-scale fishers.
- The interventions will be applied at three selected sites, both marine and inland, ensuring tailored approaches for specific challenges and opportunities of each pilot site. Interventions of this activity may include: (1) Improvement of infrastructure by enhancing facilities such as cold storage, transport and processing units to maintain product quality and increase profitability; (2) Development of marketing strategies, including direct-to-market initiatives and partnerships with cooperatives, to broaden access both local and national/international markets; and (3) Providing training to fishers and community members on new techniques or appropriate technologies for sustaining fishing and supporting efficient supply chain management. The project activity will include regular monitoring of the progress of interventions and make necessary adjustments to ensure that the interventions meet the objectives of improving livelihoods, product quality improvement, and support supply chain efficiency.
Activity 2.1.3: Promotion of the supply chain development for livelihood improvement
- Promote supply chain development as a key strategy for enhancing livelihoods in fishing communities by highlighting its benefits in improving such as income, food security, and sustainable practices through information dissemination.
- Share, exchange, and scale knowledge of insights and lessons learned from the selected sites with other SEAFDEC Member Countries. This will be done through workshops, webinars, and reports to encourage broader implementation across the region.
- Engage local government and stakeholders to foster
6. Proposed Schedule of Activities for five years
Activity | 2025 | 2026 | 2027 | 2028 | 2029 | ||||||||||||||||||||||||
Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | Q1 | Q2 | Q3 | Q4 | ||||||||||
Output 1.1: Development and Implementation of Community-based fisheries management/ Co-management and support livelihood of coastal small-scale fisheries in the pilot sites (TD 2 sites) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Activity 1.1.1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Activity 1.1.2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Activity 1.1.3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Output 1.2: Development and Implementation of Community-based fisheries management/ Co-management and support livelihood of inland small-scale fisheries in the pilot sites (IFRDMD 2 sites) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Activity 1.2.1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Activity 1.2.2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Activity 1.2.3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Activity 1.2.4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Output 1.3: Enhanced Regional cooperation and knowledge sharing for sustainable small-scale fisheries management. (TD and IFRDMD) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Activity 1.3.1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Activity 1.3.2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Activity 1.3.3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Activity 1.3.4 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Output 1.4 Guidelines for fisheries management in inland fishers’ livelihoods developed (By IFRDMD) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Activity 1.4.1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Activity 1.4.2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Output 2.1 Improved supply chain of small-scale fisheries in the pilot sites (3 pilot sites) | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Activity 2.1.1 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Activity 2.1.2 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||
Activity 2.1.3 | |||||||||||||||||||||||||||||