Facilities & Services
the M.V. SEAFDEC, that aim to collect information on the status of marine fishery resources and oceanographic conditions, as well as build the capacity of human resources in the aspects of fisheries and oceanographic surveys, on board navigation practices, and marine engineering.
In June 2002, the Government of Japan approved the construction of a Fishery Research and Training Vessel capable of conducting fishery surveys and training operations in coastal ASEAN waters, along with procurement of the requisite fishing gear, fishing machinery, and survey equipment. This was in response to resolutions passed at the ASEAN-SEAFDEC Millennium Conference which highlighted the need for investigation of the potential of fishes resources,and establishment and implementation of comprehensive policies for innovative fisheries management in the region. The construction of the new vessel, M.V. SEAFDEC 2, was completed in the fall of 2003 and it was officially launched at Niigata, Japan on 6 December 2003.
M.V. Plalung
M.V. Plalung is a trawl fishing training vessel of the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center. M.V. Plalung was developed and improved in 2020 with funding from the Japanese Trust Fund.
The objective of improvement of M.V. Plalung
1. Emphasize the well-being and hygiene of staff and crew onboard fishing vessels.
2. Improvement of vessel and fishing equipment with fuel-efficient technology, and reduce environmental impact by increasing fuel efficiency.
3. Improvement of onboard operations.
4. Strengthening safety and operations at sea
5. Promotion of fish handling and preservation for good quality and good price.
Fishing Workshop
The fishing workshop building is used for many training courses held at SEAFDEC-TD. This facility is large and mainly used by participants enrolled in fishing gear technology courses or university student’s courses. Here the participants are able to practice various skills such as; learning proper fishermen knots, preparing for long-line operation, construction of TED’s, and they are even able to observe an accurate purse seine model.
Engineering Workshop
The engineering workshop is primarily used for those trainees who come to SEAFDEC-TD to gain further knowledge on marine engines as well as refrigeration systems. Training course participants have the opportunity to use modern technology such as computers to control engine and refrigeration systems as well as learning about proper engine maintenance and repair for fishing boat.
Conference Room
< 50 persons : 2,000 baht/day
> 50 persons : 3,000 baht/day
(LCD : 500 baht/day)
There are four(4) suite rooms and 16 rooms with double beds, sofa, wardrobe, electric shower, water heater, air-conditioner, TV, toilet and WiFi are provided in the room
Fee :
Suite Room: 1,200 Baht/night (excluding breakfast)
One(1) person/room: 500 Baht/night (excluding breakfast)
Two(2) persons/room: 700 Baht/night (excluding breakfast)
Facilities :
First floor: Laundry room and a meeting room for 20-30 participants
Recreational Facility
The recreational facility of the Department is located at the dormitory compound. It’s new building which is now under development will include sports grounds, fitness rooms and other corners for relaxation and entertainment.
Coaster (25 seats) : 3,500 Baht/day
Van (12 seats) : 2,500 Baht/day