In Southeast Asia, Thailand is one of the contributions to global seafood because of the nutrition of marine productions. Purse seine fishing, take an account is one of the activities that contribute to seafood production, requires a consideration of energy (man and machine), and the negative impact of the fishing activities and vessel operations. A pilot purse seine fishing vessel, namely “Nor. Lapprasert 8” is a vessel that has coordinated with the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC/TD) since 6 July 2018. The main objective of this project is onboard labor reduction during the fishing phase also enhance working practices and living conditions on board and aims with applied hygiene on board and LIFE concepts to catch fish and preserve freshness as fresh as at sea served to the consumers. This pilot purse seine fishing vessel was kickoff 1st fishing operation together with the SEAFDEC staff from 8 to 12 February 2019.

Currently, the total period of the project by improving the fishing gears (Net plan), fishery machinery, and fish handling tools by adopting an appropriate technology to improve energy efficiency. (Fuel saving/energy efficiency) improve practices, working condition and reducing manpower on the fishing vessels had passed more than 2 years and 4 months.