HomeNewsM.V. SEAFDEC Mission in the Gulf of Thailand

M.V. SEAFDEC Mission in the Gulf of Thailand

SEAFDEC Training Department (SEAFDEC/TD) Collaboration with the Department of Fisheries, Thailand, and PTTEP International Limited conducted the collaborative research survey in the Gulf of Thailand by utilization of M.V. SEAFDEC from 23 June to 22 July 2024. The survey aimed to find suitable site selection for the rehabilitation of fisheries habitats by artificial reef applying used oil rig platforms to be deployed in the Gulf of Thailand. The sampling equipment for this research survey composed fish trap, bottom vertical longline, conductivity temperature with depth (CTD), acoustic doppler current profiler (ADCP), Vandorn water sampler, petroleum hydrocarbon in seawater sampler, bongo net, Van Veen grab, Smith Mc Intyre grab, box core, and oceanographic buoy.


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