Improving of Fisheries Technology and Reduction of the Impact from Fishing Activities

Progress Activities in 2023

Activity1: Research and promotion of appropriate technologies and practices of fishing and marine engineering (duration 2022-2023)

Project/Activity Title

Advanced technology to support fisheries research survey (Handbook of the Scientific Echo Sounder EK-80 installation for M.V. SEAFDEC 2. The handbook is used as a reference for TD technical staff or researchers who are responsible for EK-80 maintenance, repairing, and improvement in the future.)


The handbook of the Scientific Echo Sounder EK-80 installation for M.V. SEAFDEC 2 is under production.
(Remark: Handbook on the Utilization of Scientific Echo Sounder EK-80 is under production by Dr. Koki Abe, Senior Advisor of SEAFDEC/TD under the Project Responsible Fishing and Practices)

Activity 2: Study on the impact of fisheries resources, marine environmental, social well-being and livelihood from fishing activities and climate change (duration 2023-2024)

Project/Activity Title (1)

Study on the type and amount of debris in the surface layer of Chao Phraya River that flows into the Gulf of Thailand


Data collection was conducted for 12 months and completed in 2023. The data analysis is ongoing. The study is supported by the Japanese Trust Fund to invite the Professor, Dr. Toshihide Kitakado, from Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology to introduce the model to assess the amount of floating debris runoff from Chao Phraya River. The data analysis is expected to be completed at the end of 2023.

Project/Activity Title (2)

Preliminary study on the End-of-Life Fishing Gear (EOLFG).


The desk study will be reviewed as the secondary data on the EOLFG in Thailand. SEAFDEC researchers participated in the online meeting/seminar on ALDFG to obtain the information on EOLDG, as follows.
1. COBSEA Regional Workshop on Ghost Gear in the East Asian Seas (In person), 1–3 March 2023, United Nations Conference Centre, Bangkok, Thailand and online.
2. Online PROBLUE Global Engagement Forum: Lost at Sea: Combating Abandoned, Lost and Otherwise, Discarded Fishing Gear, 28 March 2023, Paris, France.
3. Online Sasakawa Peace Foundation: International Workshop on Prevention of Abandoned, Lost or Otherwise Discarded Fishing Gear (ALDFG)” on 5 September 2023 at Tokyo, Japan.
4. The International Conference on Ghost Gear 2023 during 7–8 November 2023, in Adendal, Norway. SEAFDEC expert will present SEAFDEC activity entitled “Trial on the ALDFG Data Collection in Thailand”, SEAFDEC lessons learnt from the Collaboration with FAO and Future Plan.

Activity 3: Database for fisheries management (duration 2023)

Project/Activity Title

Development of database system to support fisheries socio-economic and small-scale fisheries.


The database system of small-scale fisheries in Krabi province, Thailand is developed under the web-based system for convenient access, however, the database is now in the process of improvement and adding more information concerning user friendly. Activity is considered completed.