Improving of Fisheries Technology and Reduction of the Impact from Fishing Activities
1. Introduction
Over the years, the Training Department (TD) has initiated Departmental Programs aiming to enhance capacity of TD staff for providing the effective supports to SEAFDEC Member Countries through various projects and activities implemented by TD. In addition, the project has secondary objective to support Department of Fisheries, Thailand by conducting the research studies in harmonizing with DOF Thailand policies and interests. Due to budget constraint, TD will prioritize the activities that can emphasize both objectives. The project has focused on the reduction the negative impact of marine environment through the research and development of responsible fishing technologies and practices, improvement deck machineries and on-board handing, and strengthen fisheries governance. This project strengthens the multi-agencies collaboration with the Department of Fisheries (DOF) Thailand and other government agencies relevant to fisheries, such as Department of Coastal Marine and Resources, Fish Marketing Organization of Thailand, Fisheries Academies, Institutes and Universities of Thailand, local fisheries association and private sectors. The project applies the holistic approach to emphasize ecological welling-being, human well-being, and governance. The activities are focused on research and development, sea trials and demonstrations, technical assistance, and human resources development.
2. Project
2.1 Goal (overall Objectives) :
The primary objective is enhancing the capacity of TD technical staff including researchers, instructors, and engineers to support the project implemented by TD. The secondary objective is conducting the research studies in harmonizing with DOF Thailand interests.
2.2 Outcomes and Expected Outputs :
Envisage outcomes of the project is the achievement of TD projects and activities.
The expected outputs are the competent TD staff to implement the TD projects that will be reflected by the references of activities e.g., reports, articles, publications and other information extension and communication material of the subjects, as follow.
1. Fishing technologies and marine engineering to support sustainable fisheries by mitigating impacts of fisheries resources and marine ecosystem.
2. Fisheries resources, marine environmental, social well-being and livelihood to support sustainable fisheries.
3. SEAFDEC database for fisheries management.
2.3 Project Description/Framework :
Activity 1: Research and promotion of appropriate technologies and practices of fishing and marine engineering
The activities focus on the improvement of appropriate fishing and marine engineering technologies and practices. The activities aim to improve the competence of TD staff by conducting the small research studies on the modification of fishing gears and methods, marine engineering includes deck
machineries to reduce manpower, on-board handing, energy saving, and safety of fisher at sea. Study on the economic impacted from the technology modifications is categorized in this activity. The additional activity outputs are to produce and improve TD training materials and references of fishing technologies and marine engineering to support TD training courses for junior researcher and extension officers of DOF Thailand, and undergraduate students from universities in Thailand. This includes the technical support on the monitoring and survey on fishing gear, fishing boats and deck machinery to support fisheries management of Thailand and other specific purposes.
Activity 2: Study on the impact of fisheries resources, marine environmental, social well-being and livelihood from fishing activities and climate change.
The activities are emphasized on multidisciplinary research to investigate impact of habitat and ecosystem focus on fisheries resources, oceanography and marine environment from fishing operations. The study of the environmental impact of marine debris and microplastic is one of the topics conducted under this activity. Due to climate change and its effects on fish, fisheries, and aquaculture, as well as on livelihoods, paying particular attention to Southeast Asia, mainstreaming climate change into TD projects can support the understanding, awareness building of TD staff who involve with the TD projects.
Activity 3: Database for fisheries management
TD has conducted activities to introduce community-based resources management/co-management and project to improve small-scale fisheries management since 2013. The amount of data from the surveys has been collected from the pilot sites. To facilitate effective data utilization by TD researchers, TD conducts the activity to develop database system for socioeconomic. The technical knowledge of database development is not only to support TD researchers but also can be extended to SEAFDEC Member Countries if there are any requests.
3. Proposed Activities in 2025
Activity1: Research and Promotion of Appropriate Fishing and Marine Engineering Technologies and Practices
Project/Activity Title (1)
Monitoring Carbon Dioxide Emissions from Trawlers and Purse Seiners at Fishing Ports
- The project aims to measure carbon dioxide emissions from trawlers and purse seiners loading and unloading activities at 6 fishing ports of Thailand.
Envisaged Achievements
- A study report on carbon dioxide emissions from trawlers and purse seiners during loading and unloading activities at six fishing ports in Thailand.
- A study report on carbon dioxide emissions from trawlers and purse seiners at the study sites will be produced.
Project/Activity Title (2)
Advanced technology to support fisheries research survey
- Development of the handbook for calibration of the Scientific Echo Sounder EK-80
- Joint research programs and activities between SEAFDEC/TD, DOF Thailand, and other relevant research institutions will focus on research areas such as advanced technology to reduce juvenile and marine mammal bycatch in fishing, as well as methods to minimize post-harvest loss.
Envisaged Achievements
Completion of the development of the handbook for calibration of the Scientific Echo Sounder EK-80 on M.V. SEAFDEC 2. The expectation is to complete and submit in Q3.
In early 2025, the joint research program with DOF and other partners will be refined and finalized. Research activities will proceed based on the budget allocated by the host government and the availability of additional funding. Research findings will be published once results are available.
Activity 2:Study on the Impact of Fisheries resources, Marine environmental, Social Well-being and Livelihood from Fishing Activities and Climate Change
Project/Activity Title (1)
Preliminary study on the End-of-Life Fishing Gear (EOLFG)
Envisaged Achievements
A report on the desk study of EOLFG in Thailand, to be completed in the second quarter of 2025. The report will be disseminated through the SEAFDEC website