USAID DOI International Technical Assistance Program (ITAP)

Total Period :: 2023 – September 2025
Donor/Sponsor :: USAID/RDMA through DOI-ITAP


1. Introduction

The U.S. Department of the Interior (DOI) is the cabinet-level agency that protects and manages the Nation’s natural resources and cultural heritage, oversees energy and minerals production, and strengthens tribal communities across the country. The U.S. Department of the Interior’s International Technical Assistance Program (DOI-ITAP) is working in close collaboration with governmental and non-governmental partners to facilitate the exchange of DOI technical experts with international counterparts on all aspects of natural and cultural resources management, supports technical assistance and training, DOI-ITAP collaborates with state and federal U.S. agencies, foreign governments, and civil society groups to excel as an active leader in the global conservation community. Since 2013, DOI-ITAP has worked closely with the United States Agency for International Development (USAID), the United States Department of State, non-governmental organizations, and local communities to help strengthen sustainable fisheries in Southeast Asia. However, Illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) fishing results in significant economic losses, as measured by opportunity costs, faster pace of resource degradation, and unequal resource distribution. IUU fishing often comes into conflict with small-scale fishermen by encroaching on inshore waters, increasing competition for the resources, and leaving such areas depleted and with degraded habitats. The Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) demonstrates tremendous effort to counter the deleterious, regional impacts of IUU fishing while offering ways to implement sustainable fishing practices.

DOI recognizes the importance of addressing illegal, unregulated, and unreported (IUU) fishing and supports SEAFDEC for human resource development through the Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between DOI and SEAFDEC. This would strengthen the capacity of SEAFDEC in fisheries management and resilience in the context of climate change, and marine environmental research surveys to enhance sustainable fisheries management in Southeast Asia.

2. Project

2.1 Goal (overall Objectives) :

The overall goal is to promote sustainable fisheries and marine biodiversity conservation in Southeast Asia. The objective of the project is to enhance the capacity development of SEAFDEC staff on fisheries management and resilience in the context of climate change and strengthening capacity in fisheries resources and marine environmental research survey, which focuses on implementing a holistic way to manage fisheries and marine resources.

2.2 Outcomes and Expected Outputs :

USAID DOI International Technical Assistance Program expected output is the competence of SEAFDEC/TD researchers and staff in fisheries management and socioeconomic, monitoring of the fisheries resources for observing the effect of climate change, and SEAFDEC researchers and
navigators in fisheries resources and marine environment research survey.

The expected outcomes include the proposals of the aforementioned subjects that can be submitted to the relevant agencies for funding support as well as the research publications that could be published and distributed to technically support the fisheries management in the region.

2.3 Project Description/Framework :

Activity 1: Fisheries Resilience & Management

Human resources development (training or workshop) on Socioeconomic Monitoring (SOCMON) and the fisheries resilience to fisheries management in small-scale fisheries in Southeast Asia

  • Sub-Activity 1.1: Training and field practice on Socioeconomic Monitoring (SOCMON) for coastal and small-scale fisheries management in Southeast Asia
  • Sub-Activity 1.2: Training on Fisheries Resilience and workshop on the development of fisheries management plan in small-scale fisheries.

Activity 2: Climate Change and Fisheries Stock Assessments

The monitoring of fish stock life history parameters for observing the effect of climate change in Southeast Asian region.

  • Sub-Activity 2.1: Training course on the monitoring of fish stock life history parameters for observing the effect of climate change in the Southeast Asian region
  • Sub-Activity 2.2: Core expert meeting to improve the draft work plan and way forward on the project implementation plan

Activity 3: Strengthening Capacity of the Marine Fisheries Resources and Marine Environmental Research Survey

  • Sub-Activity 3.1: Human resources capacity building program to improve skill and experience of SEAFDEC/TD researchers and navigators for fisheries resources and marine environment research survey

3. Proposed Activities in 2025

Activity 3: Strengthening Capacity of the Marine Fisheries Resources and Marine Environmental Research Survey

Human resources capacity building program to improve skill and experience of SEAFDEC researchers and navigators for fisheries resources and marine environment research survey.

The focus will be on enhancing the efficiency of mid-water trawl resource surveys aboard the M.V. SEAFDEC 2. Approaches include either sending SEAFDEC staff to gain hands-on experience aboard mid-water trawlers or inviting mid-water trawl practitioners/experts to exchange knowledge with SEAFDEC staff. This will be followed by testing trials to confirm the operational efficiency of the mid-water trawl sampling gear on the M.V. SEAFDEC 2.

Expected outcomes include improved staff expertise in mid-water trawl operations, enhanced knowledge exchange with practitioners, and confirmed operational efficiency of the mid-water trawl sampling gear aboard the M.V. SEAFDEC 2 through successful testing trials.