USAID DOI International Technical Assistance Program (ITAP)
Progress Activities in 2023
Activity 1: Fisheries Resilience and Management:
Human Resources Development (Training or Workshop) on Socioeconomic Monitoring (SOCMON) and the Fisheries resilience to fisheries management in Small-scale fisheries in Southeast Asia
Sub-Activity 1.1
Training and Field Practice on Socioeconomic Monitoring (SOCMON) for Coastal and Small-scale Fisheries Management in Southeast Asia
List of Activity
- Consult with the resource person on the appropriate programs
- The training program would be discussed and the work would be developed
Sub-Activity 1.2
Training on Fisheries Resilience and Workshop on Development of Fisheries Management Plan in Small-scale Fisheries
List of Activity
- Develop the prospectus for a training workshop on fisheries resilience to fisheries management in small-scale fisheries with resources person
Activity 2: Climate Change and Fisheries Stock Assessments:
The monitoring of fish stock life history parameters for observing the effect of climate change in the Southeast Asian Region
Sub-Activity 2.1
Training course on the monitoring of fish stock life history parameters for observing the effect of climate change in the Southeast Asian Region
Sub-Activity 2.2
Core expert meeting on improving the draft work plan and way forward on project implementation
List of Activity
- Designed the training activities with a potential resource person
- Identified further potential resource persons
- Identified the target group of the training course for further invitation
List of Activity
- Preparing the meeting prospectus
- Listing the appropriate person who will be invited to participate in the meeting
- The meeting topics were designed with further meeting agenda in the planning process
Activity 3: Fisheries Resources and Marine Environmental Research Survey:
Human resource development to improve the skill and experience of SEAFDEC/TD researchers and navigators in fisheries resources and marine environment research survey
Sub-Activity 3.1
Shipboard training onboard a research vessel
List of Activity
- Prioritizing capacity-building topics
- Communicating with the potential partners to participate in onboarding