Since fish do not heed territorial boundaries, illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing is a transboundary issue. As such, numerous actors including local and national governments and regional organizations, have an interest in eliminating IUU fishing, or a mandate to do so. International and regional cooperation are essential; only regional and international solutions can work. Issues of governance and fisheries management in the Asia-Pacific could benefit from improved coordination of all the relevant actors.


USAID Oceans aims to strengthen regional coordination and governance of transboundary fisheries, and build capacity to support the implementation of the Catch Documentation and Traceability System. As such, USAID Oceans is coordinating its strategies and activities across Southeast Asia in close consultation with relevant regional organizations and partners. A strengthened network of regional partners will benefit both national and local fisheries management efforts.

USAID Oceans has partnered with regional organizations, the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development Center (SEAFDEC) and the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF). These organizations are critical to regional coordination and collaboration with national government counterparts. Through these relationships, USAID Oceans has established the USAID Oceans National Technical Working Group—a working group comprised of country-appointed representatives that will work in partnership with Oceans on specific objectives.