USAID Oceans has developed a set of strategic approaches that build on the program’s Results Framework, guiding principles, and on-the-ground knowledge it has acquired. The Oceans and Fisheries Partnership works to combat IUU fishing and strengthen fisheries management through:




Central to USAID Oceans’ activities is the development of an electronic Catch Documentation and Traceability System (CDTS), designed to enhance current traceability systems and improve data management. USAID Oceans works closely with industry partners in the design, implementation, testing, replication, and scaling phases to ensure that the solution aligns with industry bottom lines.LEARN MORE


USAID Oceans promotes an EAFM as a foundation to enhancing sustainable fisheries management efforts. The program aims to support ASEAN and CTI-CFF with the development of the Sulu-Sulawesi Seas Marine Ecoregion (SSME) EAFM Plan, which will span the countries of Indonesia, the Philippines, and Malaysia. The adoption of a Sustainable Fisheries Management Plan (SFMP) that defines principles for growth, control, and maintenance of sustainable fisheries serves as an enabling framework for improving the health, productivity, and resilience of the whole ecosystem.LEARN MORE


USAID Oceans incorporates human welfare and gender considerations throughout all program strategy and activities. Through detailed gender and labor studies, USAID Oceans seeks to identify key human welfare concerns and support the development of policy, frameworks, and interventions that address these issues. Key Data Elements on gender and labor will be part of the CDTS development process, and regional, national, and learning site-level trainings and workshops will feature human welfare and gender equity considerations. LEARN MORE


USAID Oceans works to engage and develop partnerships with private and public sector partners at a global, regional, and local level to support Life of Program activities. Partnerships are structured to support the expansion and replication of the CDTS throughout all stages of the supply chain and bolster the long-term adoption and sustainability of the system. To improve transparency in the seafood supply chain and ensure the successful implementation of the CDTS, USAID Oceans will engage a variety of fisheries stakeholders and form new partnerships among governments, regional institutions, and the private sector. It will leverage both public and private sector investment to increase the impact of marine conservation efforts in Asia. LEARN MORE


USAID Oceans works with regional, national, and local partners to develop a strong and lasting regional understanding and consensus of the critical importance and interconnected nature of all technical components of USAID Oceans: the CDTS, EAFM, public-private partnerships (PPP), human welfare and gender equity, and communication and outreach, in order to reduce IUU, and unsustainable fishing in the Asia-Pacific region.LEARN MORE