End IUU Poster (EN)

Country: Regional
Language: English

Download USAID Oceans’ series of posters that communicate key behaviors and practices needed for sustainable fisheries.

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Safe and Fair Poster (EN)

Country: Regional
Language: English

Download USAID Oceans’ series of posters that communicate key behaviors and practices needed for sustainable fisheries.

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End IUU Poster (EN)

Country: Regional
Language: English

Download USAID Oceans’ series of posters that communicate key behaviors and practices needed for sustainable fisheries.

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Care for Your Catch Poster (EN)

Country: Regional
Language: English

Download USAID Oceans’ series of posters that communicate key behaviors and practices needed for sustainable fisheries.

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Printable Sustainable and Safe Seas Poster Series [English, Bahasa, Thai]

Country: Indonesia, Regional, Thailand
Language: Bahasa, English, Thai

Download USAID Oceans’ series of posters that communicate key behaviors and practices needed for sustainable fisheries.

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Workshop to Review Available eCDT Technology Solutions and Advance Regional Guidance for Fisheries Traceability in the Coral Triangle Region

Country: Indonesia , Papua New Guinea , Philippines , Regional , Solomon Islands , Timor-Leste
Language: English

Workshop proceedings from USAID Oceans’ training workshops with the Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF) in support of its member-countries seafood traceability initiatives in the Coral Triangle region. USAID Oceans’ June 24 “pre-event” workshop was focused on assisting the Pacific countries in conducting rapid gap analyses to assess the state of their respective CDT capabilities for wild capture fisheries. The June 27-28 “post-event” workshop presented a range of electronic catch documentation and traceability (eCDT) technology solutions to meet needs identified in the previous sessions.

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Gender Research in Fisheries and Aquaculture: A Training Handbook (Bahasa Indonesian)

Country: Indonesia, Regional
Language: Bahasa

Panduan Pelatihan ini dikembangkan melalui upaya kolaborasi antara Gender di Sektor Budidaya dan Perikanan (GAFS) dari Perkumpulan Perikanan Asia (AFS) dan USAID Oceans dan Fisheries Partnership (USAID Oceans). Pedoman ini merupakan kumpulan materi pelatihan yang sudah digunakan di Asia Tenggara dan wilayah sekitarnya dengan harapan dapat menyediakan pedoman yang merefleksikan beragam pengalaman dari lapangan, termasuk di sektor perikanan baik perempuan maupun laki-laki.

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Sub-Regional Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management Plan for the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape

Country: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Regional
Language: English

The Sub-Regional Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management Plan for the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape was designed to enable the Sulu-Sulawesi Marine Ecoregion (SSME) to achieve a common fisheries management vision by 2030. The plan is the first known sub-regional EAFM plan in fisheries management literature; it includes specific management goals, objectives, and management actions to be undertaken by relevant governmental agencies, non-governmental partners, and multi-lateral/regional organizations focused on fisheries management and biodiversity conservation in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

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Trafiz Product Guide

Country: Regional
Language: English

To address the unique needs and challenges faced by small-scale fishers in providing traceability data, USAID Oceans has developed “Trafiz,” a mobile catch documentation application (app) that enables the first buyer or fish supplier to collect and submit traceability data. This guide provides an overview of and a full instruction manual for the Trafiz mobile application.

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