Summary Results and Lessons Learned from Testing Electronic Catch Documentation and Traceability Technologies in Vietnam

Country: Vietnam
Language: English

In partnership with the Oceans and Fisheries Partnership (USAID Oceans), during late 2019 and early 2020 the Centre for Marinelife Conservation and Community Development (MCD) conducted...

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Applying eCDT Technologies in Small-scale Tuna Handline Fisheries in the Philippines (Full report)

Country: Philippines
Language: English

This report, prepared in partnership with USAID Oceans by the Kabang Kalikasan ng Pilipinas Foundation Inc. (KKPFI)--also known as the World Wide Fund for Nature Philippines (WWF-Philippines)--documents...

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Case Study on Key Data Element Collection and Return on Investment in Using eCDT Technologies

Country: Indonesia,Philippines
Language: English

Report on a case study conducted by Marine Change regarding the collection of key data elements (KDEs) and return on investment (ROI) from research conducted with private sector partners...

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eLogbook Implementation: Benefits, Industry Perception, and Opportunities

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

In May 2019, with support from USAID Oceans, the Indonesian Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) launched an electronic logbook, or “eLogbook,” application to improve its CDT system, digitally capture and compile data within the fisheries supply chain, and increase compliance with fishing regulations. This case study looks at the implementation of eLogbooks in Indonesia, including challenges, limitations, and opportunities.

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Technology Impacts: Business Benefits of Electronic Catch Documentation and Traceability Technologies

Country: Regional
Language: English

USAID Oceans collaborated with fellow USAID program, the Seafood Alliance for Legality and Traceability (SALT) to develop this impact series to share experiences implementing eCDT tools that establish connectivity in remote and at-sea areas; provide mechanisms for data collection and transmission through the entire supply chain; and offer value-added user benefits, such as communication, safety, and business tools.

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Case Study: The Value of Traceability for Business (PT. Nutrindo)

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

In 2017, Nutrindo joined USAID Oceans’ network of partners to establish full-chain electronic catch documentation and traceability (eCDT) for tuna products harvested in Southeast...

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Case Study: The Value of Traceability for Business (Anova Food, LLC.)

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

Learn more about the business benefits of “bait-to-plate” electronic traceability systems, as seen through USAID Oceans’ partner, Anova.

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