Case Study: The Value of Traceability for Business (PT. Nutrindo)

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

In 2017, Nutrindo joined USAID Oceans’ network of partners to establish full-chain electronic catch documentation and traceability (eCDT) for tuna products harvested in Southeast...

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Sub-Regional Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management Plan for the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape

Country: Indonesia, Malaysia, Philippines, Regional
Language: English

The Sub-Regional Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management Plan for the Sulu-Sulawesi Seascape was designed to enable the Sulu-Sulawesi Marine Ecoregion (SSME) to achieve a common fisheries management vision by 2030. The plan is the first known sub-regional EAFM plan in fisheries management literature; it includes specific management goals, objectives, and management actions to be undertaken by relevant governmental agencies, non-governmental partners, and multi-lateral/regional organizations focused on fisheries management and biodiversity conservation in Indonesia, Malaysia, and the Philippines.

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Case Study: The Value of Traceability for Business (Anova Food, LLC.)

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

Learn more about the business benefits of “bait-to-plate” electronic traceability systems, as seen through USAID Oceans’ partner, Anova.

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Gender Analysis of the Fisheries Sector: Bitung, Indonesia

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

This report, developed by USAID Oceans' subcontractor, Sam Ratulangi University (UNSRAT) , presents a gender analysis of fisheries in USAID Oceans’ Bitung, Indonesia learning site...

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Sub-Regional Scaling of an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management

Country: Indonesia , Malaysia, , Philippines , Regional
Language: English

Adopting an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management as a new management approach or an evolution of an existing approach requires an expanded scope of fisheries management over other...

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Seafood Watch Standards and Assessment Workshop Report

Country: Indonesia , Philippines
Language: English

USAID Oceans and Seafood Watch developed workshops for learning site stakeholders to link Seafood Watch standards with USAID Oceans’ sustainable fisheries management objectives and...

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Labor Conditions in the Tuna Sector: Bitung, Indonesia

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

This report assesses labor conditions in the Bitung learning site in Indonesia to provide technical assistance on integrating relevant labor data into the CDT system.

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Indonesia Gender Analysis Survey Questionnaires

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

The Oceans and Fisheries Partnership (-, 2018-12-13) Survey questionnaires used for USAID Oceans’ Indonesia Gender Analysis research with fish processing managers and owners, fish processing workers, retailers/wholesalers, and fishermen....

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Indonesia Stakeholder Validation Workshop Proceedings

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

On June 19-21, 2017, the USAID Oceans and Fisheries Partnership (USAID Oceans) held a stakeholder validation workshop in Manado, Indonesia to validate the results of subcontracted...

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Indonesia Value Chain Assessment: Key Data Elements Gaps Analysis

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

This report presents a summary of learning site data collection audits, conducted in Bitung, Indonesia, together with a Key Data Element (KDE) gap analysis, and recommendations and...

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