Indonesia Value Chain Assessment, Bitung

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

The Indonesia Value Chain Analysis identifies the main export markets and explores market/buyer requirements and customer preferences in Bitung’s tuna fisheries.

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Indonesia Value Chain Analysis Summary (Bahasa)

Country: Indonesia
Language: Bahasa

The Oceans and Fisheries Partnership (USAID Oceans) melakukan sebuah kajian di akhir 2016 tentang value chain assessment (VCA) pada industri tuna di Bitung. Pelaksana kajian adalah...

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Indonesia Gender Analysis Summary (Bahasa)

Country: Indonesia
Language: Bahasa

Pada awal 2017, Kemitraan Kelautan dan Perikanan (USAID Oceans) mulai melaksanakan analisis gender di sektor perikanan Indonesia, dengan fokus pada Kota Bitung. Kota ini merupakan pusat...

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Indonesia Labor Analysis Summary

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

Summary findings from Oceans’ study on the labor profile of Indonesia fisheries, with a particular focus on Bitung. The study was undertaken by Verité, global non-profit organization...

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Indonesia Gender Analysis Summary

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

An overview of key findings and results from Oceans’ Gender Analysis in Indonesian fisheries, focusing on the port of Bitung. A gender analysis is imperative in order to capture...

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Indonesia Value Chain Analysis Summary

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

This summary document provides key findings and recommendations from a Value Chain Analysis study, conducted in late 2016 to assess the Bitung tuna industry.The study was undertaken...

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Indonesia Fisheries Management Profile Summary

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

This summary provides an overview of the Rapid Appraisal of Fisheries Management Systems in Indonesia, conducted to assess the status of the capture fisheries subsector in the Indonesian...

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Oceans’ Indonesia Briefing Document (Bahasa)

Country: Indonesia
Language: Bahasa

The Oceans and Fisheries Partnership (USAID Oceans), adalah kemitraan antara the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) dengan the Southeast Asian Fisheries Development...

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Oceans’ Indonesia Briefing Document

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

Bitung, Indonesia is home to one of two USAID Oceans learning sites. This Briefing Document provides an overview of USAID Oceans' main points of engagement in Indonesia and key activities...

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Bitung, Indonesia Learning Site Profile

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

Bitung, Indonesia is home to one of two USAID Oceans learning sites. This Site Profile provides an overview of the site's regional significance, biodiversity, and key economic and fisheries...

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