The Hidden Half, Part II – Gender research in Southeast Asia’s fisheries (Indonesian Subtitles)

Country: Regional
Language: Bahasa

This video provides an introduction to conducting gender-specific research in Southeast Asia’s fisheries. and represents many of the gender roles and challenges women experience throughout the region and research tools and techniques that can apply throughout the region. (Indonesian Subtitles)

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The Hidden Half, Part I – Women’s role in Southeast Asia’s fisheries (Indonesian Subtitles)

Country: Regional
Language: Bahasa

This video provides an overview of women’s role in the fishing industry in Southeast Asia. (Bahasa Indonesian subtitles)

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Transformational Fisheries Development: Simplified Steps for Public Sector and Industry Engagement (Bahasa Indonesian)

Country: Regional
Language: Bahasa

This is the Bahasa Indonesian version of a guide USAID Oceans developed as a capacity building tool for its regional partners, including those from national and local government agencies, and other interested development and non-governmental organizations. The guide documents essential program knowledge and experiences to equip readers with the necessary skills and tools to undertake partnership development. USAID Oceans hopes that this guide will benefit and support regional institutions in their work with their respective member countries, as well as those working in other regions beyond Southeast Asia.

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Technology Solutions for Electronic Catch Documentation and Traceability (Bahasa Indonesian)

Country: Indonesia, Regional
Language: Bahasa

Learn more about USAID Oceans-developed and supported technology tools for electronic catch documentation and traceability. USAID Oceans has worked closely with government, the fisheries industry, and technology partners to identify, design, and develop suitable tools to establish connectivity in remote and at-sea areas, provide a mechanism for data collection and transmission through the entire supply chain, and provide value-added user benefits, such as communication, safety, and business tools. (Bahasa Indonesian version)

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Printable Sustainable and Safe Seas Poster Series [English, Bahasa, Thai]

Country: Indonesia, Regional, Thailand
Language: Bahasa, English, Thai

Download USAID Oceans’ series of posters that communicate key behaviors and practices needed for sustainable fisheries.

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Technical Annexes to the Extended Guidance for Rapid Appraisals of Fisheries Management Systems (Bahasa)

Country: Indonesia
Language: Bahasa

Lampiran Teknis Menilai Perikanan di Era Baru: Panduan Lanjutan untuk Penilaian Cepat Sistem Pengelolaan Peikanan

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Assessing Fisheries in a New Era: Extended Guidance for Rapid Appraisals of Fisheries Management Systems (Bahasa)

Country: Regional
Language: Bahasa

USAID Oceans berharap bahwa panduan ini akan memberikan para mitranya di seluruh Asia Tenggara, dan di luar, dengan pengetahuan dan kapasitas untuk melakukan pendekatan pengelolaan perikanan lanjutan.

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Gender Research in Fisheries and Aquaculture: A Training Handbook (Bahasa Indonesian)

Country: Indonesia, Regional
Language: Bahasa

Panduan Pelatihan ini dikembangkan melalui upaya kolaborasi antara Gender di Sektor Budidaya dan Perikanan (GAFS) dari Perkumpulan Perikanan Asia (AFS) dan USAID Oceans dan Fisheries Partnership (USAID Oceans). Pedoman ini merupakan kumpulan materi pelatihan yang sudah digunakan di Asia Tenggara dan wilayah sekitarnya dengan harapan dapat menyediakan pedoman yang merefleksikan beragam pengalaman dari lapangan, termasuk di sektor perikanan baik perempuan maupun laki-laki.

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USAID Oceans: Overview Video

Country: Regional
Language: Bahasa, English , Tagalog, Thai

Learn how USAID Oceans is working to strengthen regional cooperation to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, promote sustainable fisheries and conserve marine biodiversity in the Asia-Pacific region. This video provides an overview of the benefits of the program’s traceability technology to a range of partners—from local fishers to international consumers.

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USAID Oceans PPP Fact Sheet (Bahasa)

Country: Regional
Language: Bahasa

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) leverage the expertise, resources and interests of government and privately operated industries or organizations to achieve mutually beneficial objectives.

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