Final USAID Oceans Annual Progress Report – October 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020

Country: Cambodia,Indonesia,Laos,Malaysia,Myanmar,Papua New Guinea,Philippines,Regional,Solomon Islands,Thailand,Timor-Leste,Vietnam
Language: English

The impacts of illegal, unreported, and unregulated (IUU) fishing are daily realities for the Asia-Pacific region, manifesting in environmental, economic, human welfare, and political...

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Final Program Report: Impacts and Lessons Learned

Country: Cambodia,Indonesia,Laos,Malaysia,Myanmar,Papua New Guinea,Philippines,Regional,Solomon Islands,Thailand,Timor-Leste,Vietnam
Language: English

The USAID Oceans and Fisheries Partnership (USAID Oceans) was a 5-year project initiated in May 2015 as a partnership between the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID),...

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USAID Oceans Project Impact Factsheet

Country: Cambodia,Indonesia,Laos,Malaysia,Myanmar,Papua New Guinea,Philippines,Regional,Thailand,Vietnam
Language: English

Since USAID Oceans began in May 2015, the program has achieved national, regional, and international impact in designing and implementing eCDT technologies; strengthening human and...

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Regional Document on Gender Integration in the Fisheries Workplace

Country: Cambodia,Indonesia,Laos,Malaysia,Myanmar,Philippines,Regional,Thailand,Vietnam
Language: English

This regional document includes a compilation of gender-related policies and legal frameworks across ASEAN member countries, and reflects the experiences and lessons of contributors...

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Regional Technical Guidance Workshop on Electronic Catch Documentation and Traceability

Country: Cambodia,Indonesia,Laos,Malaysia,Myanmar,Philippines,Regional,Thailand,Vietnam
Language: English

In coordination with SEAFDEC and the Thailand Department of Fisheries, USAID Oceans conducted a Regional Technical Guidance Workshop on Electronic Catch Documentation and Traceability...

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Technical Guidance on the Design and Implementation of Electronic Catch Documentation and Traceability (eCDT) Systems in Southeast Asia

Country: Cambodia,Indonesia,Laos,Malaysia,Myanmar,Papua New Guinea,Philippines,Regional,Solomon Islands,Thailand,Timor-Leste,Vietnam
Language: English

This technical guidance document is a practical guide for developing and implementing electronic catch documentation and traceability (eCDT) systems, principally for marine capture fisheries, that can be aligned to the different capacities, circumstances, and needs of ASEAN member states (AMS).

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Printable Sustainable and Safe Seas Poster Series [English, Bahasa, Thai]

Country: Indonesia, Regional ,Thailand
Language: Bahasa, English, Thai

Download USAID Oceans’ series of posters that communicate key behaviors and practices needed for sustainable fisheries.

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Thailand CDT Gap Analysis [Thai]

Country: Thailand
Language: Thai

To provide recommendations for further development of Thailand’s eCDT system, over 2017 to 2019, USAID Oceans worked with the DOF to conduct this CDT Gap Analysis to identify and assess the successes and challenges of Thailand’s existing eCDT capabilities and system implementation.

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Partnership Appraisal and Prioritization Report: Thailand

Country: Thailand
Language: English

USAID Oceans’ teams worked together closely to engage buyers, seafood companies, and organizations working on seafood traceability to identify their interests, challenges, opportunities for collaboration, and to design an eCDT roadmap that supports eCDT system design and implementation. This report summarizes the main findings of the Thailand Partnership Appraisal, as well as recommendations for next steps to develop partnerships that will support eCDT implementation.

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Thailand CDT Gap Analysis [English, Thai]

Country: Thailand
Language: English , Thai

Over 2017 to 2019, USAID Oceans engaged with the Thailand Department of Fisheries (DOF) to provide targeted technical support to strengthen and expand the nation’s existing eCDT system. The resulting CDT Gap Analysis identifies and assesses the successes and challenges of Thailand’s existing eCDT capabilities and system implementation, as well as provides recommendations for further enhancement. Available in English and Thai.

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