USAID Oceans Philippines Closeout Activities Report

Country: Philippines
Language: English

In support of the conclusion of country and learning site activities under the USAID Oceans and Fisheries Partnership (USAID Oceans), four project closeout activities were completed...

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USAID Oceans Workshop Report on the eCDT Showcase for the Mekong Region

Country: Cambodia,Laos,Myanmar,Vietnam
Language: English

At the request of the Lao PDR Department of Livestock and Fisheries (DLF), on January 14-16, 2020 an introductory electronic catch documentation and traceability (eCDT) workshop was...

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Tuna Value Chain Analysis for Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam

Country: Vietnam
Language: English

During late 2019 and early 2020, MCD Vietnam conducted a value chain analysis (VCA) focused on fishery supply chains in Binh Dinh Province, Vietnam for three tuna species: bigeye tuna...

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USAID Oceans Final Internal Review Report

Country: Regional
Language: English

Since the the launch of the Oceans and Fisheries Partnership Activity (USAID Oceans), the project has used a "Theory of Change" to guide program design and implementation for achieving...

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Case Study on Key Data Element Collection and Return on Investment in Using eCDT Technologies

Country: Indonesia,Philippines
Language: English

Report on a case study conducted by Marine Change regarding the collection of key data elements (KDEs) and return on investment (ROI) from research conducted with private sector partners...

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Trace your Fish (Vietnamese)

Country: Vietnam
Language: Vietnamese

Download the Vietnamese versions of USAID Oceans’ series of posters that communicate key behaviors and practices needed for sustainable fisheries,

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Care for Your Catch Poster (Vietnamese)

Country: Vietnam
Language: Vietnamese

Download the Vietnamese versions of USAID Oceans’ series of posters that communicate key behaviors and practices needed for sustainable fisheries.

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Safe and Fair Poster (Vietnamese)

Country: Vietnam
Language: Vietnamese

Download the Vietnamese versions of USAID Oceans’ series of posters that communicate key behaviors and practices needed for sustainable fisheries.

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End IUU Poster (Vietnamese)

Country: Vietnam
Language: Vietnamese

Download the Vietnamese versions of USAID Oceans’ series of posters that communicate key behaviors and practices needed for sustainable fisheries.

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