USAID Oceans Annual Progress Report – October 1, 2018 to September 30, 2019

Country: Regional
Language: English

This Annual Progress Report provides an overview of USAID Oceans and its accomplishments in the project’s fourth year, covering the period of October 1, 2018, through September 30, 2019.

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End IUU Poster (EN)

Country: Regional
Language: English

Download USAID Oceans’ series of posters that communicate key behaviors and practices needed for sustainable fisheries.

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Safe and Fair Poster (EN)

Country: Regional
Language: English

Download USAID Oceans’ series of posters that communicate key behaviors and practices needed for sustainable fisheries.

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End IUU Poster (EN)

Country: Regional
Language: English

Download USAID Oceans’ series of posters that communicate key behaviors and practices needed for sustainable fisheries.

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Care for Your Catch Poster (EN)

Country: Regional
Language: English

Download USAID Oceans’ series of posters that communicate key behaviors and practices needed for sustainable fisheries.

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Gender Research in Fisheries and Aquaculture: A Training Handbook (Bahasa Indonesian)

Country: Indonesia, Regional
Language: Bahasa

Panduan Pelatihan ini dikembangkan melalui upaya kolaborasi antara Gender di Sektor Budidaya dan Perikanan (GAFS) dari Perkumpulan Perikanan Asia (AFS) dan USAID Oceans dan Fisheries Partnership (USAID Oceans). Pedoman ini merupakan kumpulan materi pelatihan yang sudah digunakan di Asia Tenggara dan wilayah sekitarnya dengan harapan dapat menyediakan pedoman yang merefleksikan beragam pengalaman dari lapangan, termasuk di sektor perikanan baik perempuan maupun laki-laki.

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Technical Annexes to the Extended Guidance for Rapid Appraisals of Fisheries Management Systems

Country: Regional
Language: English

Technical Annexes for “Assessing Fisheries in a New Era: Extended Guidance for Rapid Appraisals of Fisheries Management Systems.”

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Assessing Fisheries in a New Era: Extended Guidance for Rapid Appraisals of Fisheries Management Systems

Country: Regional
Language: English

Provides new and extended guidance on appraising fisheries management systems from the 1996-released Rapid Appraisal of Fisheries Management Systems (RAFMS) Handbook. This guide presents updated concepts and methodologies for fisheries management research that acknowledge new technology advancements and the human and gender-related aspects of fisheries.

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