Case Study: The Value of Traceability for Business (Anova Food, LLC.)

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

Learn more about the business benefits of “bait-to-plate” electronic traceability systems, as seen through USAID Oceans’ partner, Anova.

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Sub-Regional Scaling of an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management

Country: Indonesia , Malaysia, , Philippines , Regional
Language: English

Adopting an Ecosystem Approach to Fisheries Management as a new management approach or an evolution of an existing approach requires an expanded scope of fisheries management over other...

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Seafood Watch Standards and Assessment Workshop Report

Country: Indonesia , Philippines
Language: English

USAID Oceans and Seafood Watch developed workshops for learning site stakeholders to link Seafood Watch standards with USAID Oceans’ sustainable fisheries management objectives and...

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Malaysia CDT Gap Analysis and Partnership Appraisal

Country: Malaysia
Language: English

Key findings and recommendations from USAID Oceans’ assessment of Malaysia’s current implementation of catch documentation and traceability (CDT) through a gap analysis, rapid partnership appraisal, and development of a road map for implementing an eCDTS that will support the country’s compliance with U.S. and EU market requirements in the near term and other importing country requirements in the long-term.

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USAID Oceans: Overview Video

Country: Regional
Language: Bahasa, English , Tagalog, Thai

Learn how USAID Oceans is working to strengthen regional cooperation to combat illegal, unreported and unregulated fishing, promote sustainable fisheries and conserve marine biodiversity in the Asia-Pacific region. This video provides an overview of the benefits of the program’s traceability technology to a range of partners—from local fishers to international consumers.

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Vietnam CDT Gap Analysis and Partnership Appraisal

Country: Vietnam
Language: English

From October 2017 to February 2018, USAID Oceans, through a team of in-country consultants and international experts, conducted a review of Vietnam’s legal frameworks, management systems, and fisheries operations to assess current catch documentation and traceability protocols and capabilities, the current certification scheme being used in Vietnam’s seafood industry, and good practices being used by Vietnam’s tuna fisheries that can be leveraged for system implementation.

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USAID Oceans’ Annual Progress Report: Year Three

Country: Regional
Language: English

September 2018 marked the completion of the program’s third of its five years, with considerable success and milestones achieved since the program’s launch. This Annual Progress Report provides an overview of the Activity and its accomplishments in the 2018 Fiscal Year, covering the period of October 1, 2017, through September 30, 2018.

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USAID Oceans PPP Fact Sheet (Bahasa)

Country: Regional
Language: Bahasa

Public-Private Partnerships (PPPs) leverage the expertise, resources and interests of government and privately operated industries or organizations to achieve mutually beneficial objectives.

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