Data Requirements for Catch Documentation and Traceability in Southeast Asia

Country: Regional
Language: English

A framework and glossary for the critical tracking events (CTEs) and key data elements (KDEs) that are being proposed/suggested for capture during the demonstration and testing phase of USAID Oceans-supported Catch Documentation and Traceability (CDT) Systems.

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Workshop Report: Regional Gender Strategies Implementation Workshop

Country: Regional
Language: English

The Regional Workshop on Gender Strategies Implementation of the USAID Oceans Fisheries Partnership (USAID Oceans) was held on 21-22 August 2017 at Jasmine City Hotel, Bangkok, Thailand....

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Workshop Report: Southeast Asia Fisheries Management Planning Workshop

Country: Regional
Language: English

The Southeast Asia Fisheries Management Planning Workshop: Taking the Sub-Regional Approach was successfully conducted by the Oceans and Fisheries Partnership (USAID Oceans) and the...

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2nd Annual Regional Technical Working Group Planning Workshop

Country: Regional
Language: English

On July 12-14, 2017, the USAID Oceans and Fisheries Partnership (USAID Oceans) held the Second Annual Regional Technical Working Group (TWG) Planning Workshop to convene the partnership's...

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Indonesia Value Chain Assessment, Bitung

Country: Indonesia
Language: English

The Indonesia Value Chain Analysis identifies the main export markets and explores market/buyer requirements and customer preferences in Bitung’s tuna fisheries.

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Philippines Value Chain Assessment, General Santos City

Country: Philippines
Language: English

The Philippines Value Chain Analysis identifies the main export markets and explores market/buyer requirements and customer preferences in General Santos City tuna fisheries.

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Philippines Stakeholder Validation Workshop Proceedings

Country: Philippines
Language: English

Workshop Proceedings from the February 2017, USAID Oceans stakeholder validation workshop in General Santos City, South Cotabato, Philippines to validate the results of subcontracted studies as well as proceed with the development of the Sustainable Fisheries Management Plan (SFMP).

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Indonesia Value Chain Analysis Summary (Bahasa)

Country: Indonesia
Language: Bahasa

The Oceans and Fisheries Partnership (USAID Oceans) melakukan sebuah kajian di akhir 2016 tentang value chain assessment (VCA) pada industri tuna di Bitung. Pelaksana kajian adalah...

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Indonesia Gender Analysis Summary (Bahasa)

Country: Indonesia
Language: Bahasa

Pada awal 2017, Kemitraan Kelautan dan Perikanan (USAID Oceans) mulai melaksanakan analisis gender di sektor perikanan Indonesia, dengan fokus pada Kota Bitung. Kota ini merupakan pusat...

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